I began to integrate more tea in my life, and in the process remembered that tea was part of precious memories from my childhood. My grandmother used to serve me tea each morning. We would sit and drink tea together with honey and cream.

As I began to drink more tea in my adult life, I learned that it was more than a replacement for coffee. I discovered that there are a variety of types of tea that all can serve different purposes. I also came to appreciate the earthiness of tea: for it is a natural and earthy leaf that comes from the ground.

I like the fact that there are so many different types of tea and the way they make me feel: uplifted, soothed, energetic, and healthy. Around the world, tea is one of the most popularly consumed drinks, second to water. It aids in many ailments. For example, peppermint tea helps to soothe stomachaches. Also tea has oral benefits because it contains florid.

Other Health Benefits:

  • Liver protection
  • Weight loss
  • Anti inflammatory /Anti Arthritis
  • Fight Cancer & Heart Disease
  • Protects teeth & strengthens bones
  • Improve Digestion
  • Prevent food poisoning
  • Look and feel younger
  • Strengthen the Immune System
  • Prevent Dehydration

Drinking tea can lay a good foundation to over all better health

Image courtesy of Wystone’s World Teas